
Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Birthday and Completed University!

Hey guys, haven't been wrote anything in ages. Had exams recently and just finished so hopefully I will have more free time now. Also my Birthday was a couple days ago so got some nice new stuff =)

One of the things I now finally own is a digital camera, took a couple pics today to show you guys.
This is one of the native New Zealand birds called a Kaka, it's a native brownish parrot with red underneath. Native New Zealand parrots are notoriously mischievous and will scratch and try and eat parts of parked cars for fun. They are also very friendly, and because I live next to a wild bird sanctuary they usually fly around my area and I feed and pat them from time to time. Fortunately I was carrying my new camera and snapped a shot since no one here believes me since they are endangered birds.

Sometimes they bite the hand that feeds them though...

Take it easy guys!

Edit: Made a Squidoo Lense for these birds, check it out here!


  1. Happy birthday, and I really like that bird :)

  2. Cool bird, watch your hand

  3. Sweet pictures! I hope you take more pictures! And happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday!! (:

  5. Happy belated birthday and welcome back! Was wondering what happened to you.

  6. Wow, it's a good time for you! :)
    Congrats! :)
