
Sunday, 15 April 2012

Youtube Partnerships for All!

 In a recent blog by YouTube Creator they announced that effective immediately (in selected countries) that partnership status is now granted after you successfully monetize one video. This is an amazing thing for small channels, in the past you needed to have a certain size (around 1k subscriptions) before partnership was offered.

What this means to you:
Basically, lets say you recorded a super hilarious video of your cat doing something like this.

Well now you could immediately create a new Youtube account, monetize the video and link it to your ad-sense. If your video went viral or was popular you would immediately reap the rewards of it.

The Bad News:
Unfortunately, the main perks to being a Youtube Partner were that you could add a banner to your channel, and most importantly select the thumbnail you wanted from your video. The Thumbnail is one of the most immortant parts of a video sadly, people do judge a book by its cover and all the new Youtube partners will be stuck with the old system for now, so the partnership is really like being a Youtube Partner-Lite.

All and all this is an amazing step forward for small time Youtubers, such as myself.


  1. This is a pretty cool move by Youtube but I never really knew what the benefits of being a partner were.

  2. I'm with Mark, I don't either.

  3. I wish you good luck with your new challenge :). Kisses.

  4. Great news, I wish I would have a big youtube-channel.

  5. Sounds cool, even though my videos aren't popular enough.

  6. I knew that you could make a banner, but I didn't know that you could chose the thumbnail. Good news.

  7. Thanks for the update. My daughter loves watching all those crazy antics of cats and dogs~

  8. Yeah, google and their program is like my previous company's policy. Everything will look pretty and awesome in black and white but not followed in actual life. That is what you get when you rely on bot than blokes and bitches.
    Anyway, good for them, make hay while the sunshines, ie dont jump to adsense rightaway let your jackass acts get popularity then apply for adsense and enjoy the revenue for 2 months they mysteriously any guy can sabotage that by clicking 20 times from same ip. :(

  9. is good move for small video makers

  10. that's good news for youtubers

  11. haha if i had a big account that would work

  12. I wanna chase the light with that kitten :)

  13. Youtube is growing so fast! But that cat gif made me lol

  14. I'm not too sure about Youtube. I use it to watch many things, but I don't have my own account. Maybe I should look into that. Once again, thanks for teaching me something new ;)

  15. I have my account in Youtube, but I do not care if people see my films:-)
    Hope you have a great week ahead!

  16. Still hate google adsense, but yeah it is nice that they did it.

  17. Didn't see that, but I doubt it affects me in any way shape or form.

  18. that's good news for youtube users.

    thanks so much for sharing:)

    i wish you the best of luck with your new challenge.

    have a great week ahead!

  19. Good luck with becoming a partner, mate! Very informative post, thanks for sharing the good news.

  20. It seems very similar to just plain monetized? If I have videos that were in eligible fore monetization what will happen?

    1. Basically the same as regular monitization, but has a lot of potential in the new system where there is no delay in reaping rewards from videos.

  21. Man, I need to get some adorable cats and make money off of their cute hijinks

  22. I really need to come up with some good OC for Youtube...

  23. Hello! Thank You very much for this information...

  24. Wow - interesting! Too bad I don't have any good videos... my cat just sits around and isn't very entertaining.

    Damn it, cat! Make me some money!

  25. YEAH! I had one monetized by the 1k mark, glad to hear about this!

  26. Very interesting! Maybe I should start uploading cool videos of my cat.

  27. This is definitely great news for youtubers!

  28. wow good news
    cute blog! i'm following you by google friends box hope you'll do the same ONLY if' you'll like mine!
    sweet italian kisses

    Syriously in Fashion
    Syriously Facebook Page

  29. That be pretty awesome and a great way to earn some cash.

  30. Wait what? I didn't know you couldn't choose your thumbnail if you weren't a partnership. That alone is a great reason why you would want to get it, it would also explain why clips have pictures cleavage 99% of the time.

  31. I hope you have success with youtube. Followed.

  32. hmm..interesting, I didn't know that! ut good news for vloggers and youtubers! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog
    Let's Twitter Together
    NY Style Examiner

  33. I just don't know if I'll ever post a YouTube video. I'm not sure I want my cat to get famous. She's already snooty; it might go to her head.

  34. I dont use Youtube..



  35. I don't have a youtube account but that sounds quite appealing...I might have to make one. Nice blog, going to follow.
